THATCamp MCN (Museum Computer Network)

Nov. 19, (All day) 2011
Location: TBA/downtown Atlanta Atlanta, GA, Georgia
Full Cost: $0

THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) is an open meeting where humanists and technologists of all skill levels learn and build together in sessions proposed on the spot. It is an unconference, which means that there are no presentations, and all participants work together to form the program. On Saturday, November 19 in downtown Atlanta, GA, the Museum Computer Network is sponsoring THATCamp MCN, a free unconference for anyone interested in how new technologies and platforms are changing the landscape of museums.

Graduate students in museum studies or related disciplines, museum professionals, and developers are all encouraged to register. Topics for discussion might include everything from managing software projects to uses of social media for museums, and participants are also encouraged to propose coding sessions and co-writing sessions where the emphasis is on doing, not talking. We plan to have a draft program up by September 1, but participants can continue to submit session ideas even as the unconference is taking place. There will also be free workshops at THATCamp MCN on technologies such as the Omeka web exhibit builder, and $500 fellowships are available courtesy of the Kress Foundation to make it possible for early-career museum professionals and students to travel to THATCamp MCN. The fellowship application deadline is August 1.

This unconference is offered in conjunction with the Museum Computer Network conference, but if you are attending the MCN meeting, you must still register separately for THATCamp MCN. You do not need to register for the MCN meeting in order to attend THATCamp MCN.

Contact Amanda French at with any and all questions, and follow @THATCampMCN on Twitter for updates.